Thursday, September 1, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of the 2 methods for preparing alcohol.

Advantages : It uses cheap and renewable resources to make alcohol, examples of these include yeast, sugar canes and sometimes rice.
Disadvantages: Although the products are renewable they take a lot of time to make the alcohol due to the fact that it is a slow reaction.

Industrial Processes
Advantages: It is a very fast and efficient way to make alcohol this way, also it is a continuous process as long as you have Fossil Fuels
Disadvantages: Due to the fact it uses non-renewable resources ( they will eventually run out) so it could eventually stop when we run out.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

3.8 I can describe the reaction between alkenes and bromine

1.       Write the word equation showing the reaction between ethene and bromine water
      ethane + bromine water --> dibromoethane
2.       Draw the displayed formula of the reaction above

3.       Explain the observations
It Bromine solution turns from Orange/Brown into colourless, this is because the concentration of bromine is decreasing and there is an increase of the product which is dibromoethane which is colourless.
4.       Why does this reaction not need a catalyst?
This reaction does not need a catalyst because ethene is unsaturated and the carbon carbon double bonds can be broken meaning they are reactive.
5.       What type of reaction is this called?
This reaction is addition reaction.
6.       Explain why this reaction is useful
To distinguish between alkenes and alkanes,  a chemical test to see if it has a double bond.

'3.6 and 3.7 I can recall the general formula and displayed formulae of alkenes

4. What is the general formula for alkenes?

5. Describe and explain the trend in boiling point
As the boiling point increases there are stronger inter molecular forces that need more energy to be broken.

6. Explain why there is no such compound as methene
There is no such compound as methene because to be classed as an alkene the compound needs to have a double bond when is not possible in methene because it only has one carbon.

7. How do you quickly identify from the displayed formula that the hydrocarbon is unsaturated?
This is done by looking for a carbon double bond which indicates it is unsaturated.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

3.5 I can recall the reaction of methane and bromine

   1.    Alkanes react with bromine in the presence of UV light.  Explain why this condition is necessary
UV light is needed to break the bonds between of bromine, because UV light provides the energy to break the bonds.
2.What is this type of reaction called?

Substitution Reaction

3. State and explain the observations
The Brown Bromine slowly looses its color and becomes colorless this is because it is slowly becoming hydrogen Bromide 
5.       Draw the displayed formula of the reaction between methane and bromine (upload a photo)
6.       Write out a balanced (with state symbols) the reaction between ethane and chlorine
C2H6(g) + Cl2(g) -->C2H5Cl(g) +HCl(g)
7.       State and explain the observations in this chemical reaction
The colour changes from a yellow to colourless this is because the chlorine reacts with ethane to form a colourless product, this is a substitution reaction.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chemistry Annual Exams

My End of Year Targets:

Learn the Chemical Displacement Reactions 
  • Cl + 2KBr --> 2KCl + Br2
  • Reactuve Metal + Water --> Salt + Hydrogen
Learn Key Terms
  • Observations - see, touch , hear , smell (not what you have a knowledge of)
  • Outline - to explain briefly 
  • Relative Mass of an electron 1/2000

Friday, May 27, 2011

3.4 recall the products of complete and incomplete combustion of alkenes

Read Chem 4 You pg 147 and Collins pg 157

1.       Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes
2.       Small chain alkanes are used as fuels
3.       The reaction is called combustion
4.       The word equation for  this chemical reaction is :
fuel (Alkane) + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water+ ENERGY (heat, light, sound)
5.       If there is insufficient oxygen then the word equation is:
fuel (Alkane) + Oxygen→ Carbon Monoxide+ Water+ ENERGY (heat, light, sound)
6.       The problem with this reaction is that Carbon Monoxide is produced this gas is toxic to the human body (see objective 5.11)
7.       Where can you find incomplete combustion?
Incomplete combustion occurs in areas with little oxygen, burning a fire in the house or in  cars.
8.       What is used to reduce the harmful products from incomplete combustion?
Catalytic Converter.
9.       During incomplete combustion a smoky flame is often seen, explain this observation
A smoky flame is seen this is a result to incomplete combustion the black smoke is called soot and is solid Carbon.
Extn: write a balanced equation (with state symbols) for the combustion of propane gas

C3H8 (g) + 5O2 (g)  à 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

3.2 and 3.3 I can recall the general formula and displayed of Alkanes

What is the general formula for alkanes?
Describe and explain the trend in boiling point
 As the chains of the hydrocarbon get longer, the boiling point increases. 

Formula of the Three Isomers

3.1 I can explain the terms homologous series, hydrocarbon, saturated, unsaturated, general formula and isomerism

Homologous series
 A group of hydrocarbons with the same type of formula
 A compound that is made out of carbons and hydrogens 
 Crude Oil
Saturated hydrocarbon
 A saturated hydrocarbons only contains single bonds
 Methane  part of the Alkanes
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
 An unsaturated Hydrocarbon contains single and double( covalent ) bonds.
 Ethene part of the Alkene
General formula
 A mathematical formula showing the ratio of atoms.
 For Alkenes C(n) H(n+2)
 An Isomer is a molecule with the same molecular formula with a different atomic arragenment which results into different physical properties.
 2,2 Dimeythelprotane

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5.13 I can describe catalytic cracking of long-chain hydrocarbons

Catalyst: a catalyst helps to speed up a reaction.

Why is a Catalyst used?

A catalyst is used to speed up a reaction, this is useful because with the catalyst you would be making the product faster, therefore sell it faster and get more money. 

Why are high temperatures needed?

High temperatures (between 600 - 700) degrees are needed to 'crack' the strong bonds of hydrocarbons into smaller chained hydrocarbons.

8 Questions about this video - Cracking Paraffin.

What does liquid Paraffin contain?
Liquid Parafin contains long chained hydrocarbons

What Happens when Liquid Paraffin gets Heated up?
The Liquid Paraffin made out of long chained hydrocarbons 'crack' into smaller chained hydrocarbons.

What is a catalyst and which one is used in the video?
A catalyst speeds up the process of a reaction and the catalyst used in the video is a ceramic catalyst ( a broken pot) which contains silica that is used to speed up the process. 

What important safety precautions are carried out in the experiment?
The gas will be collected under water, you should take out the delivery tube out of water to prevent suck back which can cause an explosion.

Why are the first bubbles that come out are not collected?
The First couple of bubbles that are made is due to the air expanding from the heat thus moving the air out.

 What is used to soak the liquid paraffin ?
Ceramic Wool

What is the process to distill crude oil called ?

Why does Liquid Paraffin heated up?
To break the long chain bonds into smaller ones by heat.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5.12 I can recall the problems associated with the fractional distillation of crude oil

Description: 734BA65D-64BA-4C67-A7C9-28383DE52BAA.png

a. When crude oil undergoes fractional distillation there are too many large chained hydrocarbons (eg. Bitumen) produced and not enough small chain hydrocarbons (eg. Petrol).

b To solve these problems the long chain hydrocarbons undergo a chemical reaction called Cracking.

5.11 I can recall how nitrogen oxides are formed in car engines

a.       Write the general equation for the combustion of a fuel

Fuel + Oxygen ---> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy 

b.      During combustion the nitrogen in air can react to form what gases?

During combustion the nitrogen combines in the air to form NOx's

c.       What condition is necessary for the formation of these gases?

For these gases to form there needs to be high temperatures to break the triple bonds.

d.      In what common object is this condition found?

In Cars.

e.      Why is this condition needed for nitrogen to react?

There needs to be high temperature to break the diatomic nitrogen molecules because they all have triple covalent bonds, and the heat breaks them up

f.        What are the dangers of the products from this reaction?

The dangers of this product is that it forms NOx's which cause cancer, asthma, lung problems and shortens people life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

5.10 I can recall the problems associated with incomplete combustion


 What are the properties of carbon monoxide?

Carbon Monoxide is a colourless, odorless, and taseless gas and is fatal to the human body.

Explain how carbon monoxide is formed

Carbon monoxide is formed when incomplete combustion occurs meaning there is not enough oxygen in the air to form CO2 but instead it forms CO which is Carbon Monoxide

 Explain why carbon monoxide is poisonous

Carbon Monoxide is poisonous because it  latches on faster and quicker to the hemoglobin than the oxygen molecules this makes your cells suffocate. It slowly takes away your oxygen supply and literally suffocates and kills you in a matter of minutes. The death is caused due to insufficient amounts of oxygen.

5.9 I can describe the trend in boiling point and viscosity of the main fractions

a.       What is the trend in boiling point of the fractions?

There are longer chain molecules and the boiling point increases as you go down the fractions

b.      Define viscosity (source your definition)

Viscosity Having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid (

c.       What is the trend in viscosity of the fractions?

As you go down the trend, the substances become more viscous meaning that the become more thick and sticky.

d.      What is the trend in colour of the fractions?

As the boiling points get higher, the colour of their substances get darker and darker. (As shown  in the image above)

e.      Why is crude oil separated into fractions?

Crude oil is separated into different fractions because each of the fractions have a different use.

f.        What process is used to separate crude oil into fractions?

The Process is called Fractional Distilation

g.       What physical property allows this process to work?

The different boiling points

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mnemonic- for Fractional Distillation

Red                  REFINERY GASES
Giant             GASOLINE (PETROL)
King Kong's               KEROSENE
Destroy                   DIESEL
Farms               FUEL
Brilliantly           BITUMEN

Description: Machine generated alternative text: refinery gases
gasoline (petrol)
crude oil
diesel oil (gas oil)
fuel oil
h eater

5.8 I can recall the names and uses of the main fractions obtained from crude oil

Description: Machine generated alternative text: Cut out the fractionating column below and stick it in your book.
5petroleum gases
‘iubricating oil’
‘. bitumen
- petrol -
A fractionating column
I ______________
crude oil
Now cut out the fractions below and stick them in the
correct place on your fractionating column.
micfrv In, Vrv, 1irn. IP *ite I til
1 5fl

Sunday, May 1, 2011

5.6 I can recall what crude oil is made from

1.       Create a blog post titled "5.6 I can recall what crude oil is made from"
2.       Read pg 139 (down to word plastics) Chem 4 You
3.       Complete the following in a table with white text as the answer or as a rollover (no need for a table) and upload to your blog

a. Define the word hydrocarbon….
A hydrocarbon is a compound containing only hydrogen and carbon.
b. What is crude oil made from?
Crude oil is a mixture of many hydrocarbons.
c. Define the word compound….
A compound consists of two atoms or more different elements that are bonded together.
d. Define the word mixture…..
A mixture consists of two atoms or more different elements that are physical put together.

4.       Read pgs 140 & 141 Chem 4 You and add these to the table above

d. How long does crude oil take to make?
 It takes millions of years, around 150 million years.
e. Where does the energy in crude oil originally come from?
The dead sea creatures and plants died which is where we get crude oil from, but their energy originally came from the sun.
f. How is crude oil different from coal?
Coal is not a hydrocarbon unlike crude oil. Coal does not only consist of carbon and hydrogen. Coal is made from dead plants and trees buried beneath swamps while oil is made from layers of dead sea creatures and plants.
g. Crude oil, coal and natural gas are collectively known as _________ fuels
Crude oil, coal and natural gas are collectively known as FOSSIL fuels.
h. How is crude oil transported when it is extracted from the ground?
There are two ways of transporting crude oil from the oil field; by pipelines which the refinery needs to be pretty close or by oil tankers,giant shops used to carry oil everywhere around the world