Thursday, May 26, 2011

3.1 I can explain the terms homologous series, hydrocarbon, saturated, unsaturated, general formula and isomerism

Homologous series
 A group of hydrocarbons with the same type of formula
 A compound that is made out of carbons and hydrogens 
 Crude Oil
Saturated hydrocarbon
 A saturated hydrocarbons only contains single bonds
 Methane  part of the Alkanes
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
 An unsaturated Hydrocarbon contains single and double( covalent ) bonds.
 Ethene part of the Alkene
General formula
 A mathematical formula showing the ratio of atoms.
 For Alkenes C(n) H(n+2)
 An Isomer is a molecule with the same molecular formula with a different atomic arragenment which results into different physical properties.
 2,2 Dimeythelprotane

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